They were doing a poor job of serving clients who came to them for help finding meaningful work. They had several training programs they required of their people - loaded with information about DWS resources for creating resumes, job resources in specific career fields, resume writing guidelines, etc. This was the kind of information you would expect an employment counselor to know in order to successfully help someone find meaningful work. Yet two-thirds of their clients were still unemployed eight weeks after contacting DWS.
LetterPress took a detailed look at their training programs and interviewed career counselors, director-level employees, and other staff. We engineered a new online learning experience that taught career counselors what they needed to know and how to do their job in a way that would actually help their clients get jobs. At the roll-out meeting where the new program was introduced to key DWS personnel, the Executive Director told us “I was honestly skeptical that you would be able to solve our training problem, but you really did it!” The DWS project coordinator reported to the Governor that LetterPress’s “innovative training techniques are generating positive feedback and excitement at all levels in the department.” After implementing the new program DWS has seen the average number of days a client takes to obtain meaningful work decrease to less than a month. “I was honestly skeptical that you would be able to solve our training problem, but you really did it!” The DWS project coordinator reported to the Governor that LetterPress’s “innovative training techniques are generating positive feedback and excitement at all levels in the department.” |